
Posts Tagged ‘roi’

With a company’s financial, management, and/or operational software, it is important to consider whether or not your software applications are up-to-date and all of the necessary features are being used to their maximum capabilities. This is the heart of your IT infrastructure, and your business will suffer without the right cogs and wheels working!  You should ask yourself a few basic questions to see if your systems are up-to-date:

  • Is there functionality missing that could automate redundant systems and inefficient processes?
  • Do you currently use several different software programs for tasks that can be handled by one program’s capabilities?
  • Are key features being used optimally?
  • Are you working with a subject matter expert to guide you through releases, upgrades, and audits?

If you answer no to these questions, then you are damaging the ROI of your company’s technical investment.

So what can you do?   When you work with SPRYTek, we will review the features within the current software including any recent updates that may be a part of the annual maintenance fee. We may work with you to create a work-flow detailing your organization’s key processes in order to identify those that could be eliminated or automated. In short, our expert consultants will be able to maximize your return on investment.

Sometimes, it is human nature to stick with the “tried and true”…We sometimes embrace new ideas, but cling to the old.  Businesses often keep out-dated practices as a matter of habit. Businesses often hemorrhage money on IT because they continue to upgrade applications when their existing systems are sufficient. An expert consultant will be able to analyze which functions you use daily, determine what can be upgraded and how to use the software to best suit your business.

The current economic climate represents a tremendous opportunity for businesses to reduce their expenses by developing new software solutions, or better using what they have.  Don’t let the money you spend monthly not lead to increased revenue—work with SPRYTek – work with the experts.

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