
Posts Tagged ‘Cost Reduction’

With a company’s financial, management, and/or operational software, it is important to consider whether or not your software applications are up-to-date and all of the necessary features are being used to their maximum capabilities. This is the heart of your IT infrastructure, and your business will suffer without the right cogs and wheels working!  You should ask yourself a few basic questions to see if your systems are up-to-date:

  • Is there functionality missing that could automate redundant systems and inefficient processes?
  • Do you currently use several different software programs for tasks that can be handled by one program’s capabilities?
  • Are key features being used optimally?
  • Are you working with a subject matter expert to guide you through releases, upgrades, and audits?

If you answer no to these questions, then you are damaging the ROI of your company’s technical investment.

So what can you do?   When you work with SPRYTek, we will review the features within the current software including any recent updates that may be a part of the annual maintenance fee. We may work with you to create a work-flow detailing your organization’s key processes in order to identify those that could be eliminated or automated. In short, our expert consultants will be able to maximize your return on investment.

Sometimes, it is human nature to stick with the “tried and true”…We sometimes embrace new ideas, but cling to the old.  Businesses often keep out-dated practices as a matter of habit. Businesses often hemorrhage money on IT because they continue to upgrade applications when their existing systems are sufficient. An expert consultant will be able to analyze which functions you use daily, determine what can be upgraded and how to use the software to best suit your business.

The current economic climate represents a tremendous opportunity for businesses to reduce their expenses by developing new software solutions, or better using what they have.  Don’t let the money you spend monthly not lead to increased revenue—work with SPRYTek – work with the experts.

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Successful businesses know that in order to get ahead they need to take a critical look at their bottom line. The reality of business today is that creative cost-cutting measures, reduction in force and elimination of non-critical functions are all being implemented in companies across the country. Required budget cuts in IT departments are no exception. Financial constraints have IT Directors working hard to focus attention on high-value activities and looking for cost-effective solutions.

Does your organization spend time, resources and money that keep you away from focusing on ROI and getting trapped in a cycle that doesn’t let you move forward?

SPRYTek assists companies in using the resources that they have, such as CRM, Lawson and JD Edwards, but use it more effectively.  For example, are you using the full-functionality of your primary business applications?  The majority of companies only use 65% of an application’s full functionality and then departments create “work-arounds” to address the issues that are not being solved.  We find that more effective utilization of your applications can improve effectiveness by over 15%. By using the applications that you already have—more efficiently, you can save yourself time and money, resulting in more to your bottom line.

Additional training and consultation can help your department function at a higher level, with minimal additional investment. If you are interested in learning how SPRYTek can assist you with maximizing the potential in the applications that your business already uses, and simultaneously cutting operational costs, give us a call at 866-980-7779.

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In today’s world, businesses have to employ new ways of thinking in order to grow. Traditional hierarchies and hiring and training strategies are no longer best practice. For small to mid-size companies, utilizing the experience of seasoned and expert professionals on a temporary contract basis, can increase sales and reduce costs, and help maintain high employee morale. When economies slow, or profits begin to drop, all too often businesses feel they need to look at reduction in force as a way to increase ROI. Unfortunately, this may be just a short-term fix, hampering the long-term plans for growth, profits, and the ability to stay ahead of the competition.

In growing companies, new product development processes, methods for streamlining and new technology are leading the way. Positive growth and change is happening for those businesses that are able to bring on experienced expert resources.  But let’s face it: It is expensive to hire and train new employees! CFO2Grow reports up to 30% of position’s salary can be spent on just the cost of hiring—and that does not account for training and benefits. Yet, a short-term dedicated consultant resource can provide training, technology and expertise to your team. Furthermore a consultant can identify inefficient, ineffective, non-value added activities as a means to reduce costs.

Most important in today’s economy is to continue searching for ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your operation.  SPRYTek’s consultants are tasked with the job of discovering money-saving opportunities and to prepare and train your current staff to be able to utilize the new tools that are built to create a more efficient work flow. The value in a consultant is measured in cost reduction, results and efficiencies. Your return on investment is delivered to you many times over as your consultant is able to make significant advances in business optimization.

If you are interested in learning more about how working with a consultant can benefit your organization, we recommend the SPRYTek complementary Discovery Phase. Through this proprietary Discover Phase, SPRYTek is able to provide you with a birds-eye, objective view of where opportunities for process improvement exist. By undertaking this assessment, you will be able to recognize the potential for improvement and the ROI that can be obtained when using our consultant services.

Consultant services are an investment in your businesses future. Take this opportunity to eliminate the inefficiencies that are holding you back from substantial growth and profitability. Check out the SPRYTek website for more information about our business services.

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Saving money and creating opportunities for higher return on investments are key objectives for most businesses. Yet, it is often difficult to recognize cost reduction opportunities within your own organization. Day-to-day operations, office politics, old technology and deeply ingrained routines can hamper objectivity. Many times it takes a unique perspective, someone outside of your industry, someone who can be an impartial expert, to be able to find the possibilities. Everything from streamlining processes to using better tools can make an enormous difference in effectiveness, and oftentimes an outside consultant can provide the recommendations you need to make your business run more smoothly.

SPRY Technologies (SPRYTek) employs a unique Discovery Phase which has been developed over many years of intensive consulting experience with businesses across the East Coast.  We utilize this process to provide our partners with a complementary overview of 1-2 areas of their operations, complete with report and recommendations for next steps.

Our best-of-breed Discovery Phase will involve a cost reduction specialist who will take the time to interview the business stake holders and subject matter experts as well as review the current technology, work-flow process and identified pain points. This high-level review step is valuable to both us and the client—giving all involved a clearer understanding of what opportunities exist for process improvement and potential cost savings.

Choosing the right consulting company will add significant value to your business, product, and team. You need to work with experts who have the know-how to save you money. Our Discovery Phase positions SPRYTek to provide the optimal solutions and give you the ideal opportunity to see where you can cut costs and increase productivity. Invest in a company who offers the thought-leadership high-level experience you need, and provides you with the ability to recognize where you should focus your resources to produce the most significant results.

For more information on SPRYTek’s Discovery Phase, please go to our website.

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